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Monday, June 5, 2017

You Cannot Pour From an Empty Cup

The life we live is both the sum of our habits, and a product of our decisions. The most powerful thing we possess is our ability to choose. Even the decisions that appear relatively small lead to a path of life altering ones. It’s sad to say, that we as women in most cases choose ourselves last. It is impossible to be everything to everyone and nothing to ourselves. You cannot pour from an empty cup. To believe that we can go about our daily lives taking care of our spouse, children, household responsibilities, working, homework,etc. and not make God apart of our daily routine is a recipe for disaster.

To live a life of balance we must be intentional, and consistent.  How do we go about being consistent and intentional?  We must choose God first, and on purpose. Understanding that we are not our own.  We belong to God and are called by God and we must live life on His terms, not ours.  “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) Daily, we go about our extremely busy lives, but are we being productive? We are moving, but are we developing? We are producing, but are we fulfilled? If the answer is “no “or “umm not really”, then it’s time to change your habits. The first step in creating a new habit is getting accustom to doing the same thing the same time every day. Take out your phone now, and set a reminder for the same time you’re scheduled to wake in the morning. Take five minutes to read one verse of scripture and pray before you start your day. thank Him for another opportunity to live, and ask Him for wisdom to navigate through the day. “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you without finding fault.” (James 1:5) It may seem like a small task, but if it were small you would already be doing it and if it seems like too large of a task, consider the amount of time spent on social media, internet, or television and I’m certain it exceeds five minutes. This is not the end all be all to creating a life of balance, but it is a start, and hey, we all must start somewhere. So, we will begin this journey of creating balance by making a small sacrifice of our time at the start of each day to acknowledge Him, because ignoring the presence of God will always limit what He can do in our lives.

Makeup Your Mind that today is the day that you start making better choices that lead to a healthier, more balanced life. Make a conscious decision, one that does not leave you feeling drained by the end of the day by starting your day off with Christ. Becoming consistent in any area of life is no small feat, but Your Creator is worth it, you are worth it, you owe it to yourself to disconnect in order to be recharged.